SEPTEMBER 21, 2013
“A Day of Equine Education”
Great Speakers!
Group Riding Lessons
Private Lessons
Networking Opportunities!
Silent Auction
What is it?- An educational event with Speakers, Riding Demonstrations, Silent Auction, Vendors and Private Riding Lessons
Where Is It? PepperGlen Farms 3563 Pedley Ave. Norco, CA 92860.
Who Can Attend?- Anyone who loves horses!
Who can ride in the lessons & demonstrations? Riders must be at least 9 yrs old, bring your own horse & tack and be able to ride a walk, jog/trot and lope/canter.
How much does it cost?- Spectator Pre-sale tickets $40.00 w/lunch included. Children under 14 years $25.00. At the gate tickets $45.00/$30.00 no lunch. Riders are $25.00 per lesson or $110.00 all day in addition to spectator fee. Stalls $10.00-20.00 per day. Private lessons $25.00/30 min. Lunch tickets $8.00.
How do I sign up?- Spectators may purchase tickets at www.Eventbrite.com. Search for “CHA Conference”. Pre-sale ends September 15, 2013 @ 6:00 pm or when sold out.
Riders must contact Cheryl R. Kronsberg directly. Rider spots and stalls must be paid in advance.