CRK Training Times
Bits of News For Horse People
Important July Dates~
July 26- Time To Ride Open House 3:00-5:00 PM
Important August Dates~
Aug 3- Chino Hills Show Aug 9- Time To Ride Open House 3:00-5:00 PM
Aug 10- Mira Loma Schooling Show
Aug. 13-14- Ranch Closed for tree trimming.
Aug 23- Time To Ride Open House 3:00-5:00 PM
Aug. 24-30- Rider Evaluation Week
Aug 31- Group Lesson Make-up Day
Written Level Testing
Important September Dates~
Sept. 6 – Final Time To Ride Open House 3:00-5:00 PM
Sept. 7- Pepperglen Hunter Show
Sept. 14- Mira Loma Point Show
Sept. 20- Save the Date! CHA Region 10 Conference
Sept. 21- Save the Date! CHA Region 10 ACTHA Arena Obstacle Challenge
Sept. 24- Wednesday Horsemanship for Beginners Class Begins
Sept. 27- Saturday Horsemanship for Beginners Class Begin
Farm Fun Class Begins
Sept. 28- Group Lesson Make-up Day
Save the Date! Sept. 20 – Sept. 21, 2014 ~
Certified Horsemanship Association Region 10 Conference-
The Region 10 conference is a one day event with speakers, demonstrations and riding lessons. This year’s conference will be, Sept. 20 – Sept. 21, 2014 at Pepperglen Farms in Norco. This event is open to the public. You may bring your horse and ride in many different lessons offered or schedule a private lesson with your favorite instructor. Several gifted speakers will also present lectures on various topics of interest to the horse loving public, including-
Dr. David Treser, D.V.M.- Diagnosing and Administering First Aid to Equines.
Mr. Mark Burrell- How to Build Your Own Amazing Web Site
Rebecca Bambarger, EA- How To Save Money On Your Equine Taxes
Steve Vaughn, Certified Farrier- Shoes vs. Barefoot- How do you decide what’s best for your horse?
Courtney de Caussin, Certified Equine Massage Therapist – Equine Massage Therapy Demonstration
Cheryl R. Kronsberg, Certified Master Instructor- Bits & Bitting
A silent auction will be available so be sure you are ready to get some great deals! A free lunch is included if you pre-purchase your ticket! You may also bring your horse and ride with these amazing instructors for a small extra fee.
An ACTHA Arena Obstacle Challenge will also be offered on Sept. 21. You may enter to compete in this fun and exciting event or just hang around to watch. For more info go to- or call 714-693-4886.
![Maggie give lessons during the CRK Open Barn Event.](
CRK Training Stable offers FREE Open House Barn Events~
Our FREE Open Barn Events will be held on Aug. 9, Aug 23 and Sept. 6 – 3:00-5:00 PM at CRK Training Stable. Help us keep the love of horses going strong by bringing your non-horse owning friends, family and neighbors for a FREE fun day at the ranch. We will have- All About Horses Class, Grooming & Saddling demonstrations and RIDING LESSONS! A petting zoo and scavenger hunt will also be open. Discount coupons for riding lesson will be handed out. You can save up to $300.00 on lessons! All completely FREE! For more information go to- call 714-693-4886.
Event Schedule
2:45-3:00 Howdy Folks! Welcome & Registration
3:00 P.M All About Horses Class – Round Pen
3:30 P.M. Riding Demo & Meet the Horses- Round Pen
3:45 P.M. Mini Riding Lessons- Round Pen
Petting Zoo- Upper Barn
Scavenger Hunt Opens
4:30 P.M. Family Games- Arena- Grab a partner and join the fun!
5:00 P.M. Happy Trails to all our new friends. See Ya’ll Soon!
What’s Growing On? Garden
Petting Zoo- 3:45-5:00 Upper Barn
Info Booth – Learn more about lesson programs under the blue canopy
Scavenger Hunt- Go to the Info Booth to claim your prize!
Oh, did I say it’s FREE? Because it is!!! Here’s the fine print- You must provide a your full name and a valid email address to participate. Email addresses must belong to a newcomer 13 years of age or older. CRK Training Stable will submit email addresses to the Certified Horsemanship Association and/or Time To Ride Challenge and/or The American Horse Council for the purposes of competing for an award. Email addresses will not be sold nor made commercially available. You may be contacted by those organizations to determine that you actually attended a 100 Day Challenge event. Riders must be 6+ years old, under 200 lbs., able-bodied, wear shoes that fully enclose the feet and long pants. A Liability Waiver must be signed by an adult parent or guardian. Riding helmets will be provided and are required. The number of riding lessons given each day will be limited and only available on a first come-first served basis. Any award of cash or prizes won shall be the sole property of CRK Training Stable and it’s owners- Cheryl Rohnke Kronsberg and/or Steven Kronsberg. But it’s completely free!
For more information call 714-693-4886 . To learn more about the Time to Ride 100 Day Horse Challenge, visit
We will be needing volunteers to help with these events. If you are available to help out, please let us know! Thanks!
Rider Evaluations & Written Tests~
All riders will be given written riding evaluations the week of August 24-30, 2014. These evaluations will take place during the normal riding lesson. Once you pass your level’s riding test, you may sign up to take the written and practical tests. Written and Practical tests will be given on Sunday Aug. 31 at 2:00 PM. Riders who pass all 3 tests will receive their certificate and patch and move on to the next level. Remember if you miss this evaluation week, you may request a riding evaluation at any time. Good Luck!
For Sale or Lease~
Too Hot 4 My Spots a.k.a. Charlie- Bay Tobiano,Pinto pony gelding, 13 years old, 13.3 hands, 900 lbs. Well trained English, currently competing well in cross-rails and ready to move up. Completely sound, good ground manners, bathes, ties, trailers, UTD on everything and getting better at clipping. Extensively trail ridden before we bought him, but not in the past year. Not a beginner pony because he has some go to him. Very well suited for an intermediate- advanced rider. Charlie is very stocky and easily handles adult riders. $5000.00. Lease option available onsite only with lessons.
CC Sheza Royla Robin a.k.a. Penny- Black Overo Paint Pony mare, 16 years, 14.1 hands. Well trained both English & Western. Wonderful ground manners, clips, bathes, ties, trailers. Has shown pony club in the past. Very well suited for advanced beginner – advanced rider. Onsite partial lease only with lessons. Not for sale.
Lease terms & fees~ Riders may lease a horse for either a morning or afternoon session. Halter and lead provided. Riders must provide their own tack including saddle, bridle and grooming equipment. All care of the horse including feed, shoeing and vet care provided by CRK Training Stable. All leasers must participate in at least 1 riding lesson per week on the leased horse at the normal lesson rate. Horse may not leave CRK Training Stable grounds. Other restrictions apply. Contact the office for compete details and to lease your favorite horse today!
1-1/2 day per week- $125.00 month + lessons fees.
2- 1/2 days per week- $210.00 month + lessons fees.
3- 1/2 days per week- $300.00 month + lessons fees.
Practice Rides~
Have some free time? Want to practice what you learn during your lessons? Want to ride and save money? Here’s your chance! Allapprovedstudents may participate in the CRK Practice Ride program. Practice rider are available on horses not being used that day for lessons. You get a full 90 minutes to groom, saddle, ride, cool out and put the horse away for only $35.00! Use of tack is included, but no instruction. Call today to schedule your practice ride! 714-693-4886
Ranch Closed~
The ranch will be closed during the day Aug. 13 & 14, 2014 for tree removal and maintenance. Trees will be removed behind and alongside of the arena and the area between the cross ties and the wash rack. For the safety of all the horses and clients, the ranch will close during the day. Boarders are welcome to come feed their horses, but removing them from their stalls is at your own risk. Tree work will begin at 7:00 AM and should be completed by 6:00 PM each day. Thank you for your understanding as we make necessary improvements to the ranch.
New Fall Classes~
The City Of Placentia Community Services director contacted Cheryl and asked her to take over their Horsemanship classes. These classes will begin in the fall and are a great introduction to riding. Farm Fun classes for young children will also be available. You must register through the City of Placentia to join the fun! Once the City of Placentia has completed their enrollment, any open spots will be made available to the public. Here’s what you have to look forward to.
Horsemanship for Beginners ~
Put on your cowboy boots and jeans and head on down to CRK Training Stable! During this class you will learn all about horse care and riding! CRK Training Stable’s staff will teach you horse safety, haltering, leading, tying, grooming, saddling and most important RIDING our gentle school horses. Horses, tack and riding helmets provided. Riders must provide riding boots & long pants. Open to riders 8 years and up. Adults welcome! Parents must attend the entire first class. Riders will share horses. Closed shoes required for everyone on the ranch. 4 weeks, 90 minute lessons. $95.00 + $25.00 Equipment fee. Riding manual optional but recommended $20.00. Limited to 6 riders
Session 1- Sept. 24- Oct. 18, 2014 Wednesdays OR Saturdays 3:30-5:00 Session 2- Oct. 29- Nov. 22, 2014 Wednesdays OR Saturdays 3:30-5:00
Farm Fun~
Grab your kids and head out to the farm! Every week we will learn about, see and pet a different farm animal, do a craft and play a ranch game. We will also learn how vegetables grow and plant your own to take home! Open to children ages 4 years and up. Adults must attend with children younger than 9 yrs. (no extra fee). Closed shoes required for everyone on the ranch. Limited to 12 participants (not including parents). 4 weeks- 60 minute sessions. $65.00 + $20.00 material fee.
Session 1- Sept. 27-Oct. 18, 2014 Saturdays 2:30-3:30 Session 2-Nov. 1- Nov. 22, 2014 Saturdays 2:30-3:30
August Make-up Lessons~
August group make-up lessons will be held on Sunday, August 31, 2014 @ 11:00 AM. If you miss a group lesson in August, please contact the office to schedule your make up lesson. You must sign up to ride.
Quotable Quotes~
“Don’t let other people tell you what you want.” – Pat Riley
“When a man is sufficiently motivated, discipline will take care of itself.” – Sir Alexander Paterson
That’s All For Now~