CRK Training Times
Bits of News For Horse People
July 2015
Happy Independence Day!
![Summer Camp Rider working obstacles.](
Important July Dates~
July 4- Independence Day-
July 12- YLCR Horse Show
July 13-17- Summer Camp- Full
July 20-24-Summer Camp- Full
July 27-31-Summer Camp
Important August Dates~ Aug. 3-7- Summer Camp- Full
Aug. 10-14- Summer Camp
No Lesson Days~
Lessons will be cancelled on the following days. Your account will be credited unless you would prefer to make up your lesson. If so, please contact the office to re-schedule. Thank you for your understanding. June 14- Fathers Day
July 4- Independence Day
CRK Training Stable offers FREE Open House Barn Event~
A FREE Open Barn Event will be held on Sunday July 19, 2015 – 3:00-5:00 PM at CRK Training Stable. Help us keep the love of horses going strong by bringing your non-horse owning friends, family and neighbors for a FREE fun day at the ranch. We will have- All About Horses Class, Grooming & Saddling demonstrations and RIDING LESSONS! A petting zoo and scavenger hunt will also be open. Discounts for summer camp will be available. Save up to $50.00!
All completely FREE! For more information go to- or call 714-693-4886.
Event Schedule
3:00 Howdy Folks! Welcome & Registration
3:15 P.M All About Horses Class – Round Pen
3:30 P.M. Riding Demo & Meet the Horses- Round Pen
3:45 P.M. Mini Riding Lessons- Round Pen
Scavenger Hunt Opens 3:45 P.M.
Petting Zoo Opens
3:45 P.M. Lesson and Camp talk. Find out what CRK Stable offers.
5:00 P.M. Happy Trails to all our new friends. See Ya’ll Soon!
Petting Zoo- 4:00-5:00 Upper Barn
Info Booth – Learn more about or summer camp and lesson programs under the blue canopy
Scavenger Hunt- Go to the Info Booth to claim your prize!
Oh, did I say it’s FREE? Because it is!!! Here’s the fine print- You must provide a your full name and a valid email address to participate. Email addresses must belong to a newcomer 13 years of age or older. CRK Training Stable will submit email addresses to the Certified Horsemanship Association and/or Time To Ride Challenge and/or The American Horse Council for the purposes of competing for an award. Email addresses will not be sold nor made commercially available. You may be contacted by those organizations to determine that you actually attended a 100 Day Challenge event. Riders must be: 6+ years old, under 195 lbs., able-bodied, able to follow instructions in English, wear shoes that fully enclose the feet, a shirt and long pants. A Liability Waiver must be signed by an adult parent or guardian. Riding helmets will be provided and are required. The number of riding lessons given each day will be limited and only available on a first come-first served basis. Any award of cash or prizes won shall be the sole property of CRK Training Stable and it’s owners- Cheryl Rohnke Kronsberg and/or Steven Kronsberg.
But it’s completely free!
For more information call 714-693-4886 . To learn more about the Time to Ride Horse Challenge, visit
We will be needing volunteers to help with these events. If you are available to help out, please let us know! Thanks!
Hot Weather Reminders~
As we get further into summer, the days will be getting much warmer. Some days will be downright HOT! Lessons will run as usual on hot days, so be prepared. Bring some water and wear a hat while grooming. If you want to reschedule your normal lesson time for a cooler part of the day, please do it well ahead of time. Lessons won’t be rescheduled on the day of the lesson because it is hot. If it’s too hot to ride, we may substitute or you may choose an un-mounted lesson. A favorite on hot days is horse bathing. Just make sure you wear clothes that can get wet!
If your CRK Stable school horse gets sweaty during your lesson, you will be asked to either hose or sponge them off. Tack should also be wiped down to remove sweat that can damage the leather. If you don’t know how to do these tasks, please ask. We will make sure it’s part of your next lesson.
Please remember that all riders must wear a sleeved shirt. If you arrive for your lesson wearing a tank top, you will not be allowed to ride. Closed shoes are also required in the barn areas. This rule applies to everyone, parents included! If you forgot to change out of your flip-flops, for your own safety, please remain in the patio area. Thank You!
YLCR Horse Show~
Every year our local riding club offers a horse show. It is open to all levels of riders with classes ranging from the un-mounted Halter and Showmanship classes to riding classes such as- Walk/Trot and Walk/Trot/ Canter equitation and pleasure.
If you would like to borrow a CRK horse for the day and attend the show, we would be happy to help you out!. This year’s show will be held on Sunday, July 12, 2015. Transportation to the show is available, along with coaching, and all the tack you need. You will need to provide your own show attire.
Just let us know if you would like to compete, or just ask for more information. We are happy to help!
Welcome to these new students who joined us in June-Stacey, Mason, Elizabeth, Lillian, Brighton, Mackenzie, & Maddy. As you can see, we are busy! Please plan ahead when rescheduling your lessons. We may not be able to accommodate changes easily.
Social Media~
CRK Training Stable is very active in social media, posting blogs, information about lesson cancellations, silly, fun videos of the horses, events, etc. on Facebook and LinkedIn. Please like the CRK Training Stable Facebook page and look Cheryl up on LinkedIn. Certified Horsemanship Association(CHA) Region 10 also has a Facebook page. If you are interested in what CHA Region 10 has to offer, be sure to like that page as well.
Many new customers find us through Yelp. Please help us keep new clients coming in by writing a recommendation for us there. Thank You!
July Group Make-up Lessons~
The July group make-up lesson will be held on Sunday, 26 at 9:30 am. Riders should arrive at 9:10. If you have missed a group lesson, please contact the office to schedule your make up lesson. You must sign up to ride.
Quotable Quotes~
“To change one’s life: 1. Start immediately. 2. Do it flamboyantly. 3. No exceptions.” – William James
“It may be those who do most, dream most.” – Stephen Leacock