Important June Dates~
June 6- YLCR Show
June 14- Flag Day- Lessons as usual
June 16- Fathers Day- No Lessons
June 21- Summer Solstice
Important July Dates!
July 4- Independence Day- No Lessons
July 14- YLCR Final Show
No Lesson Days~
No lessons will be held on the following days. Your account will be credited. Please make a note of it. Thank You!
June 16- Father’s Day
July 4- Independence Day
CHA Clinic~
CHA Clinic~
As a Certified Horsemanship Association Clinic Instructor, Cheryl sometimes heads out to places far and wide to certify riding instructors. This will again be the case in June. Cheryl will be leaving the week of June 17-21 and heading to Pine Springs Ranch in Mountain Center, CA. If Athena is available your lesson will be with her. Otherwise, we will contact you to reschedule your lessons or you may opt for a credit. Thank you for your understanding.
Save The Date! ~
As you may know, Cheryl is the CHA Region 10 director. This means she is in charge of the Region 10 Conference this year! This year’s conference will be held locally so SAVE THE DATE! SEPTEMBER 21, 2013! At the conference you’ll learn loads of new stuff, bid on cool silent auction goodies, enjoy some tasty food and ride with some amazing CHA Certified Instructors! Sound like fun? You bet it does! Stay tuned for more information coming soon, but for now SAVE THE DATE! SEPT. 21, 2103!
Your Study Guides are Here!
The new Study Guides will help you learn everything you need to know to pass your level tests. They are easily completed in one sitting. The answers can be found in the CHA Horsemanship Manuals. Once you have completed the study guide, you can check your answers in the CRK Office.
To access the study guides, just go to the CRK web site- and click on the tab labeled “Study Guides” You can then scroll down to the one you want. They are numbered. The first one- Level One, Lesson #1 is accessible to the public. The successive ones are password protected. You must be a current CRK Training Stable client to receive the password. Passwords will be included with your statement and change monthly. Passwords are case sensitive. If you don’t get your password or forget it, please contact Cheryl. Happy Studying!
Lesson Horse Grooming~
As we get into the warmer summer months, our trusty school horses are going to be sweating more and more. After a workout it is normal for a horse to be sweaty around their ears, under the tack, on the flank or neck. Sweat left on the coat will cause it to fade, become dull and is downright uncomfortable for the horse. It also makes much more work for the next person who is grooming that horse.
Our horses deserve the best care we can give them. If your horse has sweat marks after your ride, be sure to use a wet sponge to wash those areas down before you put them away. Sponges and buckets can be found in the tack room. If the sweat has already dried, use a stiff brush or curry to remove it completely. While I hate to make consequences, if your horse is put away sweaty or dirty you may have to leave your next lesson early for some extra grooming practice. Our horses are literally the life blood of our business. Please give them the care they have earned!
Also, many students use the wash-rack area to groom. As this area will be used more for washing horses in upcoming months, it become more important to keep it clean. If you leave any dirt or other debris, please remember to sweep the area before you leave. This includes manure, bedding and arena sand from the hooves. Please DO NOT USE THE HOSE TO WASH DOWN THE CEMENT. It clogs the drain area and wastes water. Always use the broom provided to sweep the area clean. Thank You for helping us keep CRK Beautiful!
Here are some RIDING RULES for Not-So-Young Horse Women:
* We DO NOT need to show up with our hair combed, make up on and wearing a clean shirt.
* Moaning, groaning and complaining about aching muscles is perfectly acceptable, as is taking Motrin (or something stronger) prior to a ride.
* Helping someone on or off the horse does not mean the rider is an invalid. It only means the horse got taller overnight.
* No one will comment about how big someone’s butt looks in a saddle.
* When a horse is acting up we will accept that the horse is just having a bad hair day and it is not the rider’s fault.
* Mentioning it is too hot, too dry, too humid, too wet, too buggy, etc., is considered self expression, not whining.
* We will acknowledge that horses are very strange animals and sometimes for no reason at all we fall off of them. If this happens to any rider the other riders will ascertain that the person is okay and then not mention the incident to another living soul, especially husbands and significant others.
* We will acknowledge, without apology, that riding more than 6 hours increases our grumpy level far more than any ego benefits we may get from riding longer.
* Looking at my bouncing fat is NOT an acceptable way of determining if I have a good seat. My fat always bounces, thank you. It is cushion I carry in case I fall off. (author unknown)
Vacation Credits~
As spring and summer vacation time is upon us, please take note of the CRK Stable vacation policy. As soon as you know your vacation schedules, please contact us so we may give you the proper credit. That way, you won’t lose your lesson spot as you are enjoying your time away from home.
Cancellation & Vacation Policy
No Refunds, credits or discounts will be given for lessons cancelled by clients. Cancelled lessons must be rescheduled or forfeited.
Cancelling & Rescheduling Lessons– In the event that a rider is unable to attend a scheduled lesson, notice must be given at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start time of the lesson in order to reschedule it. Cancellation messages may be left on the office answering machine or emailed. You must contact us to reschedule your lesson. One reschedule is allowed per lesson. If you cancel your rescheduled lesson, you forfeit that lesson. No more than two replacement lesson days and times will be offered. If you decline both, you forfeit that lesson. You may reschedule only one lesson per month. The replacement lesson must be scheduled within 30 days of the cancelled lesson or the lesson will be forfeited. We will make every attempt to reschedule lessons, but do not guarantee that everyone’s schedule can be accommodated.
Vacation Credit- Students may take have 4 weeks of vacation credit annually. During the month of your vacation you will not be charged for the lessons missed. Lesson spaces will be held for students during vacation breaks. Vacation credits will not be granted over the phone. All vacation requests must be made by email or in writing at least 30 days in advance of the vacation. Thank you.
Hot Weather Tips~
As we get further into summer, the day will be getting much warmer. Some days will be downright HOT! Lessons will run as usual on hot days, so be prepared. Bring some water and wear a hat while grooming. If you want to reschedule your normal lesson time for a cooler part of the day, please do it now. Lesson won’t be rescheduled on the day of the lesson because it is hot. You may also opt for an un-mounted lesson instead. Multiple topics are available, just ask! A favorite on hot days is horse bathing. Just make sure you have clothes you can get wet!
Please remember that closed shoes must always be worn when walking in the barn areas. This includes any area north of the asphalt driveway. This rule applies to everyone, parents included! If you forgot to change out of your flip-flops, for your own safety, please remain in the parking lot or the spectator area behind the arena. Thank You!
It’s Getting Busy~
As we get into our busy season of the year be sure to hold your lesson time by paying for your lessons in advance. Pay-per-ride lesson spaces will be harder to come by as the season advances. Also, remember that if your payment is not received by the last day of the month prior to the one you are paying for, we do not guarantee your spot will be held for you. We currently have students on a waiting list for certain lessons days and those student may be given your spot if your payment is not received. Make sure your horse and instructor are waiting for you by always paying on time. Thank you for your understanding.
Quotable Quotes~
“Choices are the hinges of destiny.” – Pythagoras
“A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein
That’s all folks!