Bits of News For Horse People
Important October Dates~
Oct. 12- Columbus Day- Lessons as usual.
October 21-25- CHA International Conference.- Cheryl & Steve will be continuing their education by attending this conference. Check your statement for lesson cancelations.
Oct. 31- Halloween- Lessons as usual.
Important November Dates~
Nov. 1- Daylight Savings time ends. Remember to set your clocks back!
Nov. 11- Veterans Day- Lessons as usual
Nov. 26- Thanksgiving Day- No Lessons Nov. 27- Shopping Day- No Lessons
Important December Dates~
Dec. 7- Hanukkah Begins
Dec. 22- First Day of Winter
Dec. 24- Christmas Eve- No Lessons
Dec. 25. Christmas- No Lessons
Dec. 31- New Year’s Eve- No Lessons
Important January Dates~
January 1 2014! New Year’s Day- No Lessons
January 2-10, 2016- Steve & Cheryl’s Vacation
No Lesson Days~
October 21-25- Cheryl will be attending a conference during this time. Check your statement for lessons that have been canceled. Canceled lessons will show as a credit on the statement. You are welcome to make up these lessons if you desire.
November 26-27- Thanksgiving Holiday- No lessons. December 24-25- Christmas Holiday- No lessons. December 31- New Year’s Eve- No Lessons
January 1, 2016- New Year’s Day- No Lessons
New Lessons & Classes for Fall ~
Group Lessons-
A new Level 1 group will be forming in October on Wednesdays at 4:00 pm. If you are interested in making the change to group lessons, please tell your instructor to be put on the list. Three riders maximum for this group. If more than 3 riders are interested and ready to move into group lessons, we will add another class. Riders must be able to catch, lead, tie, groom, saddle, mount, and ride at a walk without instruction. If you aren’t sure if you are ready, please ask your instructor.
Practice Rides~
Students who are level 2 and up may participate in practice rides. Practice rides are on an “as available” basis. For each practice ride you will have up to 90 minutes of “horse time”. You may use that time to groom, saddle, ride, bathe, or just hang out with your favorite horse or pony. Tack is included but not coaching. You must be able to ride and handle horses safely on your own. For the safety of riders, parents are required to remain on site with students under 18 years of age. Please contact the office if you would like a practice ride. $35.00/90 minutes.
CRK Training Stable has been approved as a vendor for both the iLEAD and Sage Oak Charter School programs. If you are a student in one of these programs, let us know. Both regular lessons and the new Equine Science Classes are covered.
For Lease~
Too Hot 4 My Spots a.k.a. Charlie- Bay Tobiano, Pinto pony gelding, 14 years old, 13.3 hands, 900 lbs. Well trained English, currently competing well in cross-rails and ready to move up. Completely sound, good ground manners, bathes, ties, trailers, UTD on everything and getting better at clipping. Extensively trail ridden before we bought him, but not in the past year. Very well suited for an advanced beginner and up rider. Charlie is very stocky and easily handles adult riders. Lease option available onsite only with lessons. You must be proficient at walk, trot, and canter in order to lease at CRK.
CC Sheza Royla Robin a.k.a. Penny- Black Overo Paint Pony mare, 17 years, 14.1 hands. Well trained both English & Western. Wonderful ground manners, clips, bathes, ties, trailers. Has shown pony club in the past. Very well suited for advanced beginner – advanced rider. Onsite partial lease only with lessons. You must be proficient at walk, trot, and canter in order to lease at CRK.
Lease terms & fees~ Riders may lease a horse for either a morning or afternoon session. You must be proficient at walk, trot, and canter in order to lease at CRK. Halter and lead provided. Riders must provide their own tack including saddle, bridle and grooming equipment. All care of the horse including board, feed, shoeing and vet care provided by CRK Training Stable. All lessees must participate in at least 1 riding lesson per week on the leased horse at the normal lesson rate. Horse may not leave CRK Training Stable grounds. Other restrictions apply. Contact the office for compete details and to lease your favorite horse today!
1-1/2 day per week- $125.00 month + lesson fees.
2- 1/2 days per week- $210.00 month + lesson fees.
3- 1/2 days per week- $300.00 month + lesson fees.
Social Media~
CRK Training Stable is very active in social media, posting blogs, weather related lesson cancellations, events, etc. on Facebook and LinkedIn. Please like the CRK Training Stable Facebook page and look Cheryl up on LinkedIn. Certified Horsemanship Association(CHA) Region 10 also has a Facebook page. If you are interested in what CHA Region 10 has to offer, be sure to like that page as well.
Many new customers find us through Yelp. Please help us keep the new clients coming in by writing a recommendation for us there. Thank You!
Make-up Lessons~
Due to Cheryl being away October 25, October make-up lessons will be offered on Sunday, November 1, 2015. If you missed a lesson in October, please contact the office to schedule your make-up lesson. We must have at least 3 riders for a group make-up lesson. If fewer than 3 riders need a make-up lesson, it will be postponed until the next month. Private and semi-private make-up lessons scheduled based on availability.
Quotable Quotes~
“Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.” – Bertrand Russell