CRK Training Times
Bits of News For Horse People
September 2015
Important September Dates~ Sometime during September we will be doing arena maintenance. This will shut down the arena for several days. Once we know the exact dates, you will be contacted. Thank you for your understanding.
Sept. 7- Labor Day- Lessons as usual.
Sept 18 or 20- Equine Science Classes begin.
Sept. 25/27- Equine Science Class #2
Sept. 27- Group Lesson Make-up Day. Time to be announced.
Important October Dates~
Oct 2 or 4- Equine Science Class #3
Oct . 9 or 11- Equine Science Class #4
Oct. 12- Columbus Day- Lessons as usual.
Oct. 16 or 18- Equine Science Class #5
October 21-25- CHA International Conference.- Cheryl, Steve & Athena will be continuing their education by attending this conference. All lessons will be cancelled during this time.
Oct. 30- Equine Science Class #6
Oct. 31- Halloween- Lessons as usual.
No Lesson Days~
See below for new lesson day/time restrictions. All lessons should run as scheduled during September.
Dear CRK Stable Clients-
It’s Back-To-School time! All over Orange County, children and adults are returning to school, including CRK Stable Staff. Both Athena and Cheryl will be attending college this fall. Therefore; we must make some changes to the horsemanship lesson schedule.
New lesson schedules will be in effect beginning as early as August 24, 2015. Athena will only be available on Tuesdays after 3:00 PM, Friday and Saturday afternoons. Cheryl will not be available on Wednesdays. Cheryl’s Monday schedule will be limited to after 3:30 PM. Cheryl is available for evening lessons on Mondays and Fridays after 6:30 PM. The ranch is closed for lessons every day before 9:00 AM, between 5:30-6:30 PM and on Thursdays and Sundays.
If you would like to keep your current schedule, and there is no conflict with the above, you need only confirm your wishes and pay for next month as usual. Your lesson day and time will be retained. If your current lesson time will become unavailable, please respond to this email and let us know your preference for a new day and time. If you need to change to a different day/time due to your schedule, please let us know that as well. If you will dropping out of the lesson program, please do us the courtesy of letting us know so we may make your time available to another student.
Our current students have first priority for lesson days and times. Returning and new students will be placed on the wait list in the order that you have contacted us. Once the current students have made their schedule choices, we will be contacting returning students, then new students. All current student schedules should be confirmed within the next 7 days or so. After that we will be emailing from our wait list. If you haven’t heard from us by Sept. 1, please let us know.
The new schedule is somewhat limited and will probably fill up quickly. Please respond to this email as soon as possible so you don’t miss out! Thank you for understanding and your continued participation in the CRK Training Stable Horsemanship program. We appreciate all our clients!
CRK Training Stable Staff,
New Lessons & Classes for Fall ~
Group Lessons-
A new Level 1 group will be forming in October. If you are interested in making the change to group lessons, please tell your instructor to be put on the list. Day and time will be determined based on what will work best for those interested in taking the class. Three riders required for this group.
In these un-mounted classes, students will learn about the care and handling of horses, tack and other equipment. Student will study from a textbook, in addition to hands-on experiences handling and caring for horses, tack and facilities. Students will not ride horses in this class. Min 5 students, Max 10 students. This class is appropriate for new riders through Level #2.
Equine Science Level #1- 12- 60 minute classes- $180.00. One time textbook purchase required $40.00.
Fridays 11:00-12:00 AM or Sundays 1:00-2:00 PM. Classes begin either Sept. 18 or Sept. 20. No classes Nov. 27 or Nov. 29.
CRK Training Stable has applied and expects to soon be an approved vendor for both the iLEAD and Sage Oak Charter School programs. If you are a student in one of these programs, let us know. Both regular lessons and the new Equine Science Classes should be covered.
For Lease~
Too Hot 4 My Spots a.k.a. Charlie- Bay Tobiano, Pinto pony gelding, 14 years old, 13.3 hands, 900 lbs. Well trained English, currently competing well in cross-rails and ready to move up. Completely sound, good ground manners, bathes, ties, trailers, UTD on everything and getting better at clipping. Extensively trail ridden before we bought him, but not in the past year. Very well suited for an intermediate- advanced rider. Charlie is very stocky and easily handles adult riders. Lease option available onsite only with lessons. You must be proficient at walk, trot, and canter in order to lease at CRK.
CC Sheza Royla Robin a.k.a. Penny- Black Overo Paint Pony mare, 17 years, 14.1 hands. Well trained both English & Western. Wonderful ground manners, clips, bathes, ties, trailers. Has shown pony club in the past. Very well suited for advanced beginner – advanced rider. Onsite partial lease only with lessons. You must be proficient at walk, trot, and canter in order to lease at CRK.
Lease terms & fees~ Riders may lease a horse for either a morning or afternoon session. You must be proficient at walk, trot, and canter in order to lease at CRK. Halter and lead provided. Riders must provide their own tack including saddle, bridle and grooming equipment. All care of the horse including board, feed, shoeing and vet care provided by CRK Training Stable. All lessees must participate in at least 1 riding lesson per week on the leased horse at the normal lesson rate. Horse may not leave CRK Training Stable grounds. Other restrictions apply. Contact the office for compete details and to lease your favorite horse today!
1-1/2 day per week- $125.00/ month + lesson fees.
2- 1/2 days per week- $210.00/ month + lesson fees.
3- 1/2 days per week- $300.00/ month + lesson fees.
![paddock boots](
Just a quick reminder to those borrowing boots for their riding lessons. If you have been riding with us for more than 2 month, you are expected to purchase your own boots. Parents, please make sure boots are always put away clean and clipped or tied together as a pair. Thank you!
Social Media~
CRK Training Stable is very active in social media, posting blogs, weather related lesson cancellations, events, etc. on Facebook and LinkedIn. Please like the CRK Training Stable Facebook page and look Cheryl up on LinkedIn. Certified Horsemanship Association(CHA) Region 10 also has a Facebook page. If you are interested in what CHA Region 10 has to offer, be sure to like that page as well.
Many new customers find us through Yelp. Please help us keep the new clients coming in by writing a recommendation for us there. Thank You!
Hot Weather Reminders~
As we get further into fall, the days will be getting much warmer. Some days will be downright HOT! Lessons will run as usual on hot days, so be prepared. Bring some water and wear a hat while grooming. If you want to reschedule your normal lesson time for a cooler part of the day, please do it well ahead of time. Lessons won’t be rescheduled on the day of the lesson because it is hot. If it’s too hot to ride, we may substitute or you may choose an un-mounted lesson. A favorite on hot days is horse bathing. Just make sure you wear clothes that can get wet!
If your CRK Stable school horse gets sweaty during your lesson, you must either hose or sponge them off. Tack should also be wiped down with a damp towel to remove sweat that can damage the leather. If you don’t know how to do these tasks, please ask. We will make sure it’s included in your next lesson.
Please remember correct riding attire, including a sleeved shirt. Tank tops and spaghetti strap shirts are not allowed. If you are not wearing proper attire, you will not be allowed to ride. Closed shoes are also required in the barn areas. This rule applies to everyone, parents included! If you forgot to change out of your flip-flops, please remain in the spectator areas. For more information about riding attire click here-
Thank You!
September Make-up Lessons~
September group make-up lessons will be held on Sunday, September 27, 2015. If you miss a group lesson in August, please contact the office to schedule your make up lesson. We must have at least 3 riders to make up a group. If fewer than 3 riders need a make-up lesson, it will be postponed until the next month.
Quotable Quotes~
“When you get into a tight place and it seems that you can’t go on, hold on — for that’s just the place and the time that the tide will turn.” – Harriet Beecher Stowe
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be.” – Kurt Vonnegut
That’s All For Now~ We hope you have enjoyed this newsletter. If you have any questions contact Cheryl directly at